Certificate & Diploma in Yoga Science,
Practice, and Lifestyle
Step 1:
- Curriculum and schedule,
- Student assessment methods,
- Attendance requirements.
- Fees & payment structure; including discounts & installments,
- Payment,
- Withdrawal / refund policies,
- Certification System.
Step 2:
Registration Form
- Fill Up and Submit the registration form,
- Pay the S$50.00 non-refundable admin fee during submission.
Step 3:
Informal Aptitude Interview
Upon application, the student will be called for an informal aptitude interview; this will determine entry into the courses.
Step 4:
Student Acceptance Pack
- Acceptance letter,
- Detailed semester curriculum,
- Detailed student assessment,
- Modular assessment,
- Examination dates and assignment deadlines,
- Examination/assignment rules and regulations,
- Payment structure and schedule details,
- Student acknowledgment letter,
- Dispute resolution methods available, i.e.: appeal and retake policies.
Step 5:
Sign the Advisory Note
In order to complete the registration, the students must complete and duly sign the Advisory Note and the Contract between ÁMIA and the Student. And thereafter, make course fee payment as per the student’s payment plan/schedule.
AMIA Student Contract
Required by the Private Education regulation.
Each successful student will be given a S$70 Yoga Class Discount Voucher that can be used to sign up for any of the regular yoga classes offered by Ananda Marga Yoga Society of Singapore. Terms & Conditions apply.
Payment Modes

- Cash at AMIA Center’s authorized staff
- Cheque at AMIA Center’s authorized staff.
Cheques are made payable to: ‘Ananda Marga International Academy Pte Ltd’
Please indicate your name, course enrolling into and contact number on the reverse side of the cheque.
- Paypal to amyogaacademy@gmail.com
- PayNow by scanning the SG QR code
UEN Number is 201020812K