About AMIA
Our Intention
Ánanda Márga International Academy offers Short and Long term courses in a scientific, systematic, and modern approach. The aim is to give the students a complete foundation in the physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of different aspects of life.
Ánanda Márga International Academy is registered with MOE under SkillFuture Singapore (SSG).

Education is that which liberates the mind. Education should free the mind, not enslave it.
Shri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar — Founder Ananda Marga
AMIA at a Glance
Ánanda Márga International Academy builds on the foundation of Ánanda Márga (Bengali: আনন্দ মার্গ প্রচারক সংঘ, Hindi: आनंद मार्ग ānanda mārga “The Path of Bliss”, a socio–spiritual organisation and movement founded in Jamalpur, Bihar, India in 1955 by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. It is also the name of the philosophy and lifestyle propounded by Sarkar, described as a practical philosophy for personal development, social service, and the all-around transformation of society.
Our Roots
Our History
The Ánanda Márga International Academy (AMIA) (Formerly Ánanda Márga Yoga Academy (AMYA) was initiated in 2007 as a collaboration between Ánanda Márga Yoga Society of Singapore (AMYS) and the Ánanda Márga Gurukula (AMGK). In early 2010, AMYA obtained Academy status and is today registered with SkillFuture Singapore(SSG).
At Ánanda Márga International Academy our team of educators follow a strict code of conduct mandated by Ananda Marga Founder, Shri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. “Teachers must possess such qualities as personal integrity, strength of character, righteousness, a feeling for social service, unselfishness, an inspiring personality and leadership ability.”