Author: Shrii Shrii Ánandamurti
Just as diseased body organs can be restored to normal by administering medicines internally or externally, they can also be healed, more safely and more perfectly, with the help of Yaogika Asanas and Mudras. The aim of this book, therefore, is to make the general public aware of the Yaogika methods of treating various illnesses.
My purpose is to let people cure themselves by practising the Asanas and Mudras described in this book. People are requested not to take the risk of practising Asanas and Mudras by themselves, but rather to do so under the guidance of an experienced Acarya (spiritual teacher). Ananda Marga Acaryas will always be ready to help without any remuneration. Detailed instructions for practising Asanas and Mudras, for bathing, etc., have been given in Part Three of Ananda Marga Caryacarya.
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