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    Carya Carya Part III

    $7.00 Add to basket

    Author: Shrii Shrii Ánandamurti

    Just as diseased body organs can be restored to normal by administering medicines internally or externally, they can also be healed, more safely and more perfectly, with the help of Yaogika Asanas and Mudras.

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    Extracts From Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies

    $10.00 Add to basket

    Author: Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
    Compiled: Ac. Premamayananda Avt.

    In Yogic Treatment and Natural Remedies, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar explains the origins of many diseases and sets out the remedies for them. These remedies coordinate yogic Asanas and Mudras with specific diets and herbal preparation. The reader gains a new understanding of, and a new sense of control over, his or her own bodily processes.

    In this Compilation, I am trying to express His desire to bring the Yogic Asanas, which is only a part of the book, to the general public.

    I hope the readers get inspired and look forward to reading more from the original book.

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    Yoga Psychology

    $12.00 Add to basket

    Author: Shrii Shrii Ánandamurti

    The science of psychology, as studied and practised within the traditions of Yoga and Tantra, begins with our chakras (or plexi, psycho-spiritual centres) and the various glands associated with each chakra.

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    Yogic Treatments And Natural Remedies

    $18.00 Add to basket

    Author: Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

    In Yogic Treatments and Natural Remedies, Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar explains the origins of many diseases and sets out the remedies for them.

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