
Showing all 7 results

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    The Ecology of Joy – Create your School of Magic

    $7.00 Add to basket

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    Author: Jean-Jacques Gabriel

    A definitive guide to creating your school of magic for young children.

  • ebooks

    The Ecology of Joy – Introduction

    $0.00 Add to basket

    Author: Jean-Jacques Gabriel

    Introduction to The Ecology of Joy

  • ebooks

    The Ecology of Joy – Kids’ School of Magic Book 1

    $14.00 Add to basket

    Price in SGD

    Author: Jean-Jacques Gabriel

    • Fantastic spiritual stories and meditation

    A real school of magic

    Kids’ School of Magic contains all the elements of a real school of magic, including fantastic spiritual stories, songs, magical gestures, a complete curriculum (Blessings of Joy, Book of Magic Spells, Meditation & Practises), magic spells, incantations and enchantments, activities, rhymes, magic recipes, magic potions, celebrations and initiations, a magician’s pledge, a mission and a code of honour.

  • ebooks

    The Ecology of Joy – Kids’ School of Magic Book 2

    $14.00 Add to basket

    Price in SGD

    Author: Jean-Jacques Gabriel

    • Fantastic spiritual stories and meditation

    A real school of magic

    Kids’ School of Magic contains all the elements of a real school of magic, including fantastic spiritual stories, songs, magical gestures, a complete curriculum (Blessings of Joy, Book of Magic Spells, Meditation & Practises), magic spells, incantations and enchantments, activities, rhymes, magic recipes, magic potions, celebrations and initiations, a magician’s pledge, a mission and a code of honour.

  • ebooks

    The Ecology of Joy – Kids’ School of Magic Book 3

    $14.00 Add to basket

    Price in SGD

    Author: Jean-Jacques Gabriel

    • Fantastic spiritual stories and meditation

    A real school of magic

    Kids’ School of Magic contains all the elements of a real school of magic, including fantastic spiritual stories, songs, magical gestures, a complete curriculum (Blessings of Joy, Book of Magic Spells, Meditation & Practises), magic spells, incantations and enchantments, activities, rhymes, magic recipes, magic potions, celebrations and initiations, a magician’s pledge, a mission and a code of honour.

  • ebooks

    The Ecology of Joy – Meditation & Practises

    $14.00 Add to basket

    Price in SGD

    Author: Jean-Jacques Gabriel

    A definitive guide to meditation & practises for children.

  • ebooks

    The Ecology of Joy – Say it sweetly

    $4.50 Add to basket

    Price in SGD

    Author: Jean-Jacques Gabriel

    A definitive guide to joy education for young children through sweet words.

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